Innovation thiab yeej-yeej kev koom tes
Innovation thiab yeej-yeej kev koom tes
Innovation thiab yeej-yeej kev koom tes
Peb tseem muab kev txhim kho kev txhim kho kev txhim kho, kev sab laj, hloov tshuab thiab cov kev pabcuam cov cuab yeej siv; R & D, kev tsim khoom thiab kev muag khoom ntawm precision casting cas cov khoom siv thiab khoom siv hluav taws xob.
Chengdu Yiyu Xiang Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Tau tsim lub Kaum Hlis 26, 1998 nrog ib lub peev txheej ntawm RMB 200 lab. Its registered address is No. 18, Xingye seventh Road. Qingxia street, Dayi County, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Its business scope includes: autoparts manufacturing ,technical development technical consultation, technology transfer and technical services of mechanical equipment.
Kawm DuaTsim rau hauv
Tuam txhab cov neeg ua haujlwm
Tus tsa
Khoom mov khoom
Innovation thiab yeej-yeej kev koom tes
Innovation thiab yeej-yeej kev koom tes
Innovation thiab yeej-yeej kev koom tes
Innovation thiab yeej-yeej kev koom tes
As a leading manufacturer of camshafts, we are thrilled to introduce the D4CB camshaft, a revolutionary product that embodies innovation, performance, and reliability. Tus ...
Saib ntxivRaws li cov ua qauv tsim qauv camshaft chaw tsim khoom, nws yog qhov tseem ceeb rau kev nyob daws qhov kev lag luam tshaj plaws, kev siv, thiab kev sib xyaw ua ke. Lub camshaft lag luam yog pom ib ...
Saib ntxivAs a prominent camshaft manufacturer, our commitment to delivering exceptional quality, reliability, and innovative technological solutions is paramount. Peb Relentless Fo ...
Saib ntxiv